Practice Kriya Yoga for Right Attitude: YSS/SRF President Swami Chidananda Giri.

Practice Kriya Yoga for Right Attitude: YSS/SRF President Swami Chidananda Giri

YSS/SRF President Sri Sri Swami Chidananda Giri Gives Spiritual Discourse at Yogoda Satsanga Math — Dakshineswar

Dakshineswar, Feb. 19, 2023: “In this chaotic and crazy world, after having faced the tumultuous pandemic period, the ancient Kriya Yoga teachings as given by Paramahansa Yogananda forms the true shelter, the ultimate refuge for all of us seeking that inner sanctuary in a world of ceaseless change and insecurity,” shared Sri Sri Swami Chidananda Giri, president and spiritual head of Yogoda Satsanga Society of India/ Self-Realization Fellowship (YSS/SRF), during a satsanga at YSS Dakshineswar Ashram on February 19.

“I am so happy and delighted to be back in this holy city of Kolkata, sanctified by the presence of Divine Mother. It is such a joy to see so many devotees from all around the world, from countries such as the USA, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, South America, Japan and other parts of the globe,” Swami Chidanandaji said.

The programme at this serene ashram of YSS located on the banks of the river Ganges started with a period of kirtan chanting by YSS sannyasis followed by Swami Chidanandaji’s inspiring talk given to over 800 devotees and friends present on the occasion.

Swamiji is presently on a month-long visit to India from the SRF headquarters in California, USA, during which he has been visiting YSS ashrams across India. In his discourse, he explained that the outward expression evident in anyone who has deep access to the shelter of Kriya Yoga is right attitude. Sharing a quote on the same from Buddha that Sri Daya Mataji, the third president of YSS/SRF, was fond of — ‘The sure unshakeable deliverance of the mind from habits, emotions, attachments so that it is governed only by wisdom, divine love and selflessness,’ Swamiji related what Daya Mataji defined right attitude as: “…that we are constantly aware of the truth that God alone is real and everything else in this world is unreal.”

“We reap the blessings of divine friendship with countless souls around the world by using the power of sangam and the power of satsanga…a great aura is visibly uplifting all of our human brothers and sisters all around the globe,” Swamiji said, adding: “The vibratory aura of guru kripa, ever-flowing from the Guru, baptizes by spiritual magnetism and changes the consciousness and brain cells of receptive devotees. The devotee should just strive to be within the range, meaning be anchored at the Kutastha.”

The spiritual organizations — Yogoda Satsanga Society of India (YSS, headquartered in Kolkata) and Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF, headquartered in Los Angeles, USA) were founded more than 100 years ago by the world-renowned spiritual master, Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda, who is the author of the best-selling spiritual classic Autobiography of a Yogi.

A devotee from Kolkata who attended the programme shared, “The desire to attend a satsanga by our beloved Swami Chidanandaji has finally been fulfilled, and his words have offered us a motivation to pursue our sadhana practice with renewed zeal.” Further info.:

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